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Raspberry Ricotta Cake

Raspberry Ricotta Cake

40 min., ready in 4 h. 30 min.
Health Score:
60 / 100
For the pastry
500 grams Pastry flour
1 packet Baking powder
250 grams butter
250 grams sugar
1 generous pinch salt
4 eggs
175 milliliters milk
2 Tbsps lemon juice
2 tsps grated Lemon peel
For the ricotta cream
2 Limes
400 grams Ricotta cheese
150 grams powdered sugar
200 grams Whipped cream
In addition
250 Raspberries
powdered sugar (for dusting)
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Ricotta cheesesugarWhipped creamsalteggLime

For the pastry: line baking sheet with parchment paper. Combine flour with baking powder, place into a bowl and add all the other ingredients for the pastry. Mix well for about 3 minutes (2 minutes if using mixer). Pour mixture into a baking sheet adn smooth. Bake in preheated oven at 180°C (approximately 350°F) for about 50 minutes (inserted toothpick should come out clean). Remove from oven and cool.


For the ricotta cream: peel limes with a potato peeler thinly and cut peel into fine strips. Squeeze out juice. Whisk ricotta with powdered sugar and lime juice until fluffy. Beat heavy cream until stiff and fold into ricotta.


Cut pastry into about 20 pieces. Spread with ricotta cream and arrange raspberries on top. Dust with powdered sugar and garnish with lime peel strips. Serve. 

Nutritional values
1 baking sheet contains
(Percentage of daily recommendation)
Calorie7,170 cal.(341 %)
Protein131 g(134 %)
Fat356 g(307 %)
Carbohydrates846 g(564 %)
Sugar added414 g(1,656 %)
Roughage38.3 g(128 %)
Ausgabe 03/24

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