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Pumpkin Risotto with Amaretto Cookies

Pumpkin Risotto with Amaretto Cookies

35 min.
Health Score:
64 / 100
300 grams Hokkaido pumpkin
4 Cardamom
50 grams shallots
2 peeled garlic cloves
40 grams butter
2 Tbsps olive oil
125 grams Arborio rice
125 milliliters white wine
600 milliliters vegetable stock
freshly ground pepper
50 grams Amaretti cookies
1 Tbsp honey
2 Tbsps White vinegar
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Hokkaido pumpkinshallotolive oilhoneygarlic clovesalt

Peel and core the pumpkin. Cut the pumpkin flesh into 5 mm thick cubes. Break the cardamom pods, remove seeds and toast briefly in a dry pan. Grind the cardamom finely in a mortar. Peel and dice the shallots finely. Peel and press the garlic.

Heat 20 grams (approximately 1¼ tablespoons) butter and 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a saucepan and saute the pumpkin, shallots and garlic for 2 minutes until translucent. Add the rice and cook for 1 minute. Pour in the white wine and boil down to half.


Remove the garlic and pour in 300 ml (approximately 1½ cups) of hot vegetable stock. Simmer for 18-20 minutes while stirring. Gradually pour in the remaining hot stock and cook until the rice is cooked al dente and risotto gets creamy consistency. Season the risotto with salt and pepper.

Just before serving, crumble the amaretto cookies and mix along with the remaining butter, honey and vinegar into the risotto.

Serve the risotto in warmed plates and sprinkle with marjoram leaves.

Nutritional values
1 serving contains
(Percentage of daily recommendation)
Calorie701 cal.(33 %)
Protein12 g(12 %)
Fat35 g(30 %)
Carbohydrates73 g(49 %)
Sugar added14 g(56 %)
Roughage6.7 g(22 %)
Ausgabe 03/24

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