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Panzanella Salad with Tomato and Pesto

Panzanella Salad with Tomato and Pesto

30 min.
1 bunch Basil
½ bunch parsley
1 garlic clove
2 Tbsps Pine nuts
1 tsp salt
150 milliliters olive oil
2 Tbsps freshly grated Parmesan
6 Tomatoes
300 grams Ciabatta
freshly ground peppers
1 splash balsamic vinegar
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Pine nutsBasilParmesanparsleygarlic clovesalt

Rinse and dry the basil and parsley. Remove the leaves. Peel and coarsely chop the garlic.


Add the pine nuts, garlic, salt, basil, and parlsey to a mortar. grind with the pestle, then finely add the olive oil (up to 3 tablespoons). Mix in the parmesan. Blanch the tomatoes, and remove. Peel, quarter, and remove the seeds.


Cut the ciabatta into bite-sized pieces and toast until crisp in the olive oil. Add the tomatoes, and season to taste with salt and pepper. Heat together, then season with a dash of vinegar. Arrange the panzanella in bowls, and drizzle with the pesto.

Ausgabe 03/24

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