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Orange-Infused Almond Milk

Orange-Infused Almond Milk

30 min., ready in 15 h. 30 min.
8 ozs almonds
2 Tbsps honey
1 Tbsp Orange blossom water
4 organic Orange leaves (with flowers)
How healthy are the main ingredients?

Place the almonds in a bowl, cover with water, and let sit overnight. The next day, drain the water. Cover the almonds with boiling water and let cool. Peel the almonds thoroughly. Place the almonds and 1 quart of hot water in a blender, and blend over high speed until a white milky liquid forms. Pass through a fine strainer lined with cheesecloth into a pot. Squeeze the remaining almond paste in the cheesecloth thoroughly. Sweeten the almond milk to taste with the honey. Let cool, then chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour.


Before serving, stir in the orange blossom water and pour into glasses. Garnish with the orange leaves. This goes well with a dish like stuffed dates.

Ausgabe 04/24

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