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Mixed Salad with Balsamic and Honey Dressing

Mixed Salad with Balsamic and Honey Dressing

20 min.
3 ¼ cups mixed salad (such as arugula; curly endive, radicchio, etc.)
2 red Bell pepper (rinsed; trimmed and cut into strips)
1 ½ cups cherry Tomatoes (rinsed; trimmed and halved)
1 cup mini Bocconcini (drained and cut into bite-size pieces)
½ cup salad green olives (drained)
4 Tbsps balsamic vinegar
2 tsps honey
5 Tbsps good-quality olive oil
salt (to taste)
freshly ground Black pepper (to taste)
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Tomatoolive oilhoneysalt
Rinse the salad greens and spin dry. Roughly tear any large leaves. i
Place the greens, pepper strips, tomatoes, mozzarella, and olives in a large salad bowl. Toss gently.
In a small bowl, whisk the vinegar, honey, olive oil, salt and pepper until blended. Drizzle dressing over prepared salad and toss to incorporate. Serve in individual salad bowls.
Ausgabe 02/24

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