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Kale with Pancetta and Smoked Sausage

Kale with Pancetta and Smoked Sausage

2 h.
1 ½ kilograms Kale (cleaned and washed)
3 onions
40 grams clarified butter
500 grams Pinkel or Mettwurst
2 slices Pancetta
½ l Beef broth (from the glass)
freshly ground peppers
½ tsp crushed allspice
1 tsp Caraway
How healthy are the main ingredients?

Rinse the kale leaves and blanch for 5 minutes in a pot of boiling salted water, remove, run under cold water and drain well. Peel the onion and coarsely chop, roughly chop the kale. Heat the butter in a large saucepan and sauté the onions until translucent.


Add the kale to the onions along with the pancetta and the smoked sausage and stir to combine. Pour the broth over the mixture, sprinkle with caraway seeds, cover and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally for 30 minutes. Remove the pancetta and the sausage and and continue to cook the kale for 1 hour. Return the bacon and sausage sausage to the pan 10 minutes before the dish is done. Season well with salt, pepper and allspice. Serve hot.

Ausgabe 02/24

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