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Hazelnut Fig Muffins

Hazelnut Fig Muffins

35 min.
2 ¾ cups self-rising flour (sifted)
1 tsp Baking powder
2 tsps ground cinnamon
1 pinch salt
½ cup superfine caster sugar
1 cup milk
2 eggs (beaten)
½ cup butter (melted)
1 cup chopped Figs
½ cup whole Hazelnuts
½ cup whole Hazelnuts
How healthy are the main ingredients?

Heat the oven to 400°F. Grease a 12 part muffin tin.

Mix the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt together in a mixing bowl, then stir in the sugar.

Mix the milk, eggs and melted butter in a large bowl and pour into the dry ingredients. Stir until just combined. The mixture will be lumpy.

Spoon the mixture into the tins to half fill them. Place the figs on top of the mixture and cover with more mixture. Sprinkle with chopped and whole hazelnuts.
Bake for 25-30 minutes until the muffins are risen and golden. Cool in the tin for a few minutes, then place on a wire rack to cool completely.
Healthy, because

Healthy, because

Figs are rich in minerals including potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and copper and are a good source of antioxidant vitamins A and K that provide numerous health benefits. In combination with the hazlenuts, these muffins provide plenty of nutrients, healthy fats, fiber, and protein. 

Even smarter

Even smarter

You can substitute other nuts for this recipe and add in other fruits for more nutrients. 

Ausgabe 02/24

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