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Goat Cheese and Caramelized Onion Appetizers

Goat Cheese and Caramelized Onion Appetizers

40 min.
1 pkg frozen Phyllo dough
Legume (for baking)
2 onions
2 Tbsps butter
1 Tbsp powdered sugar
2 Tbsps balsamic vinegar
freshly ground peppers
2 egg yolks
4 Tbsps Whipped cream
100 grams Goat cheese
3 Tbsps scallions
Additional ingredients
Mini muffin baking tin (5 cm, height 2 cm)
round Cookie cutter (7 cm diameter)
butter (for greasing the pan)
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Goat cheeseWhipped creamonionsalt

Cut out 12 circles from the dough with a round cookie cutter. Place the circles in the muffin tin and press. Pour the beans into each dough cup and blind bake for 5 minutes in an oven preheated to 180°C (approximately 350°F). Peel the onions, halve and finely dice.


Heat the butter in a frying pan, sauté the onion until tender, dust with powdered sugar and caramelize. Deglaze the caramelized onion with balsamic vinegar and season with salt and pepper. Whisk the yolks with the cream and add a pinch each of salt and pepper. Remove the beans from the dough cups.


Spoon the caramelized onions into each dough cup, top with the egg mixture and crumble the goat cheese on top. Bake about 10 more minutes until the egg mixture is firm. Remove the tarts from the tin and serve on a plate garnished with sliced chives.

Ausgabe 04/24

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