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Coconut Ice Cream

Coconut Ice Cream

3 h. 25 min.
For the ice cream
3 egg yolks
2 Tbsps sugar
100 grams Coconut milk (canned)
4 centiliters Coconut liqueur
300 grams Whipped cream
For the garnish
8 Lemongrass
Coconut flakes
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Whipped creamCoconut milksugar

For the ice cream, mix egg yolks in a bowl with sugar over a hot water bath until creamy, gradually add coconut milk while stirring. Let cool while stirring, then stir in coconut liqueur. Beat cream until very stiff. Fold whipped cream into egg yolk mixture.


Line a loaf pan with plastic wrap, fill with coconut ice cream mixture, smooth surface and place in the freezer for about 3 hours. 


To serve, cut into slices and garnish with a stalk of lemongrass and coconut flakes.

Ausgabe 02/24

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