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Mixed Berry Jello

Mixed Berry Jello

30 min., ready in 6 h. 30 min.
For the berry jelly
8 sheets red gelatin
100 grams Blackberry
100 grams Raspberries
100 grams red Currants
100 grams black Currants
100 grams Strawberries
300 milliliters Apple juice
1 Tbsp lemon juice
100 meters dry Red wine
1 Tbsp sugar
150 meters Whipped cream (at least 30% fat content)
2 Tbsps powdered sugar
mint (for garnish)
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Apple juiceBlackberryRaspberryCurrantStrawberrysugar

Soften the gelatin in cold water. Rinse, trim and drain the berries. Place on 8 small ramekins (5-6 cm diameter) (approximately 2-2.5 inch diameter). Heat the apple juice, lemon juice, wine and sugar in a saucepan. Dissolve the gelatin in the juice. Let the liquid cool slightly and pour in the fruit.


Place in refrigerator for at least 5-6 hours. Whip the cream with the powdered sugar until stiff and spread on dessert plates. Before serving, run the molds briefly under hot water. Remove from edge with a sharp knife. Place the jello on the cream. Serve with mint leaves garnish.

Ausgabe 04/24

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