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Bagels with Cream Cheese and Peppers

Bagels with Cream Cheese and Peppers

Children's Snacks for Many
50 min., ready in 1 hr 50 min.
Health Score:
77 / 100
¾ cup Buttermilk
1 pinch Dry yeast
1 tsp honey
10 ozs Pastry flour (1050 type)
1 tsp sweet ground paprika
1 Tbsp black Sesame seeds (about 10 grams)
1 tsp baking soda
7 ozs Cream cheese (13% fat)
1 Tbsp Yogurt (low-fat)
1 tsp Tomato paste
1 garlic clove
1 red Bell pepper (each about 200 grams)
2 yellow Bell pepper (each about 200 grams)
soy sauce
1 Cucumber (about 500 grams)
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Sesame seedsTomato pastehoneysaltgarlic clovesoy sauce
Bagels with Cream Cheese and Peppers preparation step 1

Heat buttermilk in a small pot until lukewarm. Stir in the yeast and honey.

Bagels with Cream Cheese and Peppers preparation step 2

Whisk together the flour, salt, pepper and paprika in a bowl. Pour in the lukewarm yeast mixture and beat with the dough hook of a hand mixer to a smooth dough, adding more water as necessary if dough is too dry. 

Bagels with Cream Cheese and Peppers preparation step 3

Cover dough with a kitchen towel and let rise in a warm place until doubled in bulk, about 1 hour.

Bagels with Cream Cheese and Peppers preparation step 4

Divide the dough into 10 equal pieces and form into balls. Make a hole in the middle of each with a fingertip and then expand each hole with a fingertip.

Bagels with Cream Cheese and Peppers preparation step 5

Bring 1 liter of water to a boil in a large pot, add the baking soda and stir to dissolve. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Bagels with Cream Cheese and Peppers preparation step 6

Use a slotted spoon to plunge the dough rings into the boiling water and let cook for 1 minute. Remove, drain and place on the prepared baking sheet. Bake on middle rack of preheated oven at 200°C (fan 180°C, gas mark 3) (approximately 400°F/convection 350°F) until golden and set, 10-15 minutes.

Bagels with Cream Cheese and Peppers preparation step 7

Meanwhile, mix cream cheese with yogurt and tomato paste. Peel the garlic, chop very finely and stir into cheese mixture.

Bagels with Cream Cheese and Peppers preparation step 8

Halve bell peppers, remove seeds and rinse. Finely chop half of the bell peppers and fold into the cream cheese mixture. Season with salt, black pepper and soy sauce.

Bagels with Cream Cheese and Peppers preparation step 9

Rinse cucumber under hot water, wipe dry and cut into thin slices.

Bagels with Cream Cheese and Peppers preparation step 10

Remove bagels from the oven and let cool on a wire rack.

Bagels with Cream Cheese and Peppers preparation step 11

Cut the remaining peppers into wide strips. Serve bagels with pepper strips, cucumber slices and cream cheese spread.

Nutritional values
1 piece contains
(Percentage of daily recommendation)
Calorie157 cal.(7 %)
Protein7 g(7 %)
Fat3 g(3 %)
Carbohydrates22 g(15 %)
Sugar added0 g(0 %)
Roughage3.5 g(12 %)
Healthy, because

Healthy, because

The peppers provide an extra boost of defensive vitamin C; the cream cheese brings plenty of protein and bone-strengthening calcium to the table. Ideal for growing children!

Even smarter

Even smarter

For adults or teenagers who like to eat spicy food: flavour part of the cream cheese cream with a little chilli powder or Sambal oelek.

Ausgabe 03/24

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